RULES : There are no rules; players make them up and choose how to follow them. Groups of players may get together to choose rules that they collectively want, the more people playing within the same rules will affect their own gameplay and that of others nearby (socially, psychologically, physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually). OBJECTIVE: At the start of the game, the main objective is to stay alive. Other objectives come into play as you move through the game. Objectives vary, depending on player, where they are in the game, and what rules they've chosen to play by. Objectives may change throughout the game. BEGINNING: In the beginning, you are born with what The Machine randomly gives you; DNA, parents and their rules, location, type of society and its rules, privileges and/or drawbacks. You may not change these and they affect your decisions throughout the game. As you move through the game, you may change your location or society when you have gained enough "matur...