
Showing posts from October, 2024

Demential Lucidity

  Slipping into a nebulous void, an insidious breadth and depth, weightless, yet heavy to the wandering mind. Reeling in and out of reality, crashing into the walls of corporeality and hitting the coveted ceiling; heavens or annihilations. All those flies of bygone beliefs are still desperately trying to escape through sealed windows to the future outside. Life flickers and fades as the viewfoils of time slowly unravel in the almighty projector once portraying a divine storyline – in these moments, Truth reveals itself, in fits and starts, in togethers and aparts. The hollow echo of grand anecdotes and abandoned laughter is a tragicomedy with a variety of obscure monologues, punchlines, and epilogues. Melancholy and nostalgia braid a kind of mirthful misery in the theatre of existence. The outer world continues to swirl, oblivious to all the grief and gratitude attending the performance inside – revealing revenants from other dimensions, reminding the congregation of what still...


Codes, patterns, archetypes, frequencies, particles and waves - We are all of these; manifested and manifesting. Since about the age of 15, I began a journey of trying to decipher these uniquely embodied qualities. The intangible energies that animate our behaviours and aspirations are more relevant to our existence than the physical bodies we develop, maintain, and watch decay in the density of this corporeal reality; and when these archetypal codes are understood to a degree of mental/emotional clarity - synchronous effects and visceral edification appear like lighthouses in the darkness created by the fears of our unanswered questions.  40 years later, I continue to use those lighthouses as guideposts, a hermit's lantern, to make decisions that may not seem rational at the time- yet, I have never been steered wrong. My life is a testament to it; slowly and steadily manifesting/discovering more than my mind alone can predict. I cannot see beyond the next lighthouse, but I trust t...