Day 221 - Causing Effect
Spend time contemplating who you want to be. Contemplating who you want to be changes your brain ~Joe Dispenza You don't need anyone to tell you the difference between feeling good and feeling bad. We label our emotions and stick them in a category of good and bad - Though there is a middle category that is neither good nor bad; I like to think of it as the transition field, where we take stock after feeling some sort of bad, before we get to feeling some sort of good. I love that space, it's the figuring out what happened and figuring out what to do next phase. It's a special place to sit, where the ego can't get in because it's not making you a puppet of your emotions. It's meditation without having to sit in a lotus position or having to leave where you are or go somewhere else because it's inside you, around you, it is you. Some people think contemplation is actually about 'thinking', yet I see it more of a rumination in silence, a non-judgement...