Day 276 - It's not what you may think
Transformation: -a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved. I woke up today realizing a few things that seem obvious to me, but that I haven't actually put into words before about the 'transformation' I'm consciously trying to invoke. Look around and notice all the "transformations" taking place - it's everywhere - advertisements, blogs, vlogs, shows, movies, books, articles, seminars... Many people are going through many changes, in a sort of Chrysalis of humanity. I believe there are myriad ways these changes are occurring, depending on where each of us are in our individual and collective journeys. At its most visible are the physical transformations people focus on - the diets, workouts, weight loss, strength conditioning, appearance... Personally, physical transformation is low on my list; however, physical health and well-being are important for energy, so I do what...