
Showing posts from January, 2025

Calling It Out

I'm figuring out how to get on with the rest of my life here without screaming into the void and succumbing to the 'that's-just-the-way-it-is' attitude of many generations before now - This may just be another feminist cry against the patriarchy, wailing in the distance, not enough to affect anything or anyone, but I need to call it out: To the men who subconsciously listen in rapt to the systemic sexism that has been stroking their egos since before they were born, as their 'hard wiring' allows them to treat women as objects and servants, yet wear carefully crafted public masks of allyship - I Call You Out. And, to the women who use their objectification, utilizing the same inherited and ingrained system, to control people and climb proverbial ladders - I Call You Out. Why would anyone try to change anything if they benefit from it? What is the benefit? Superiority? Domination? Survival? This system of imbalance, inherited and ingrained, is yet another privileg...

Detached Compassion

  Here’s the thing about not caring what happens: it’s liberating.  Don't get me wrong, I float in a boundless well of compassion, but it's detached from personal affect even as I feel things to the core - that visceral heaviness punching the gut doesn't actually impact my beingness. I experience good, bad, and indifference, then watch what happens. And, I still take actions I think might help situations or people in some way or other - whether anyone knows it or not makes no difference to me - I do it anyway for some reason. Sometimes people thank me, and sometimes they get angry about the things I choose to say or do... Whatever.   It's like stepping off a carousel you were tired of riding - you watch the painted horses bob up and down, endlessly looping, and think, “Well, I guess it just goes on with or without me.” And you’re fine with that. You’ve got no grand illusions about saving the world or stopping it from spinning. The world, after all, doesn’t need saving. ...