Day 133 - The Self-Saboteur
Many people have self-sabotage down to an art form - like, if that amount of creative energy was put into actually building something great, there would be SO MANY GREAT THINGS! Alas, many people don't feel they deserve great things, at least not the greatest of things, maybe just a bit of great, and even then there's probably something that will come along and take it away, so best be prepared for the worst. Self-sabotaging behaviour is based on things like low esteem, limiting beliefs, the imposter syndrome, and/or plain laziness. It is ingrained so deeply, a lot of folks will say, "No way, that's not me.", and then list off all the reasons they haven't accomplished the great things they would like, or why they're not moving towards great things. Self-sabotage is when we say we want something and then go about making sure it doesn't happen ~ Alyce Cornyn - Selby Yet we try , and something always comes along to mess it up. Is it possible that we are a...