Demential Lucidity
Slipping into a nebulous void, an insidious breadth and depth, weightless, yet heavy to the wandering mind. Reeling in and out of reality, crashing into the walls of corporeality and hitting the coveted ceiling; heavens or annihilations. All those flies of bygone beliefs are still desperately trying to escape through sealed windows to the future outside. Life flickers and fades as the viewfoils of time slowly unravel in the almighty projector once portraying a divine storyline – in these moments, Truth reveals itself, in fits and starts, in togethers and aparts.
The hollow echo of grand anecdotes and abandoned laughter is a tragicomedy with a variety of obscure monologues, punchlines, and epilogues. Melancholy and nostalgia braid a kind of mirthful misery in the theatre of existence. The outer world continues to swirl, oblivious to all the grief and gratitude attending the performance inside – revealing revenants from other dimensions, reminding the congregation of what still may be. Memories become solace and torment, long lost gems sparkling on a backdrop of sorrow… they radiantly linger in the space between breaths, whispering like fireflies on opportunistic summer nights. The show still goes on.
In this surreal play, the actors grow increasingly disordered, stumbling through stories and forgetting their lines, while the audience watches with a mix of dread and detached curiosity, trying to connect with the thickening fog of uncertainty, hoping it lifts to reveal the moral of the myths. And, at curtain call, standing ovations for all.
A sense of ordered freedom from this flailing chaos may be brought in by the great equalizer of death, escaping the labyrinth of confusion, the maze of questions – Surrendering to the inevitable with dignity, a liberation no one here can yet comprehend. Embrace the Irony; lying in absurdity, this fleeting gift might not be the enemy we think it is. All good things come to an end… do they? Accepting impermanence is pulling ahead during the final stretch in a race no one ostensibly chose to run in.
Some say: love still illuminates the darkest days. It does.
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