Calling It Out

I'm figuring out how to get on with the rest of my life here without screaming into the void and succumbing to the 'that's-just-the-way-it-is' attitude of many generations before now - This may just be another feminist cry against the patriarchy, wailing in the distance, not enough to affect anything or anyone, but I need to call it out: To the men who subconsciously listen in rapt to the systemic sexism that has been stroking their egos since before they were born, as their 'hard wiring' allows them to treat women as objects and servants, yet wear carefully crafted public masks of allyship - I Call You Out. And, to the women who use their objectification, utilizing the same inherited and ingrained system, to control people and climb proverbial ladders - I Call You Out.

Why would anyone try to change anything if they benefit from it? What is the benefit? Superiority? Domination? Survival?

This system of imbalance, inherited and ingrained, is yet another privilege people can't see when they're busy benefiting from it. And it has grown into a monster.

There is a deepening/widening energy rippling through me, it's so damn agitating now that I can't ignore it anymore, and as it grows, I know I will not tolerate this imbalanced system in my vicinity any longer - it makes me physically nauseous to be in the presence of it. I don't think I could tolerate it even if I tried to benefit from it.

What does this mean? I don't quite know because I haven't found a full expression for it yet, though I've tried out numerous ways over the past few years, which worked but came with unforeseen consequences... Still, if you're around me and blind to the imbalanced system you're somehow benefiting from, you'll find out, regardless of the consequences. As an inadvertent servant to this imbalance, you support the oligarchs, the villains of humanity, and their selfish goals - because you secretly feel entitled to the same benefits, that you're better than everyone else - even if you publicly fight against it, it's a facade you didn't even know was created for you.

To the few who know exactly what I'm talking about, I ask that you invoke your innate power, rippling up through the ancient and oppressed wisdoms, to balance your surroundings in whatever ways you can. We can't change the whole world, but we can change our personal worlds, what we will accept and won't accept within them - Personal worlds follow each of us wherever we go, like auras, so, in essence our whole world can indeed be changed, one personal world at a time. 

Pay attention, please. Look at what's happening in the world, then look around you to see how that is reflected in your personal world, and Call It Out.



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