Day 221 - Causing Effect

 Spend time contemplating who you want to be. Contemplating who you want to be changes your brain ~Joe Dispenza

You don't need anyone to tell you the difference between feeling good and feeling bad. We label our emotions and stick them in a category of good and bad - Though there is a middle category that is neither good nor bad; I like to think of it as the transition field, where we take stock after feeling some sort of bad, before we get to feeling some sort of good. I love that space, it's the figuring out what happened and figuring out what to do next phase. It's a special place to sit, where the ego can't get in because it's not making you a puppet of your emotions. It's meditation without having to sit in a lotus position or having to leave where you are or go somewhere else because it's inside you, around you, it is you.

Some people think contemplation is actually about 'thinking', yet I see it more of a rumination in silence, a non-judgemental area to rest instead of constantly assessing how we're going to survive or deal with people. Most of us have to do stuff, and if we're not doing stuff, we're thinking about doing stuff. Not many of us feel the need to just be. Being in the sweet spot of non-judgement (toward ourselves or others) is becoming a requirement these days - a prerequisite to mastering the self. Mastering the self is like taking control of your life and the situations that happen or that you make happen. The paradox here is that that silent space creates the energy required to do stuff, not just stuff but good stuff, and not just good stuff but good feelings that are not attached to stuff at all.

You can be released from the stress of 'having' to do anything and utilize the silent space as a tool for your brain/body to express in the world as you go about living. In other words, if we take 'have to' out of the equation, simply feel the space of who we are without labeling, and then replace it with something like 'get to', our mood lifts up and we are no longer in drudgery but in freedom. Regardless of what is going on around you, your inner freedom cannot be touched.

Once a consistency of freedom is felt in daily life, it naturally comes to pass that situations and circumstances adjust to suit your energy field. The Law of Attraction is a thing, it really is! If you start your day 'on the wrong side of the bed' you will find yourself spilling coffee on your fresh clothes, tripping over a rock, losing patience in a queue, or getting yelled at by a stranger... and all of these things will make you even more angry or sad or defeated. Life sucks sometimes, but we usually make it much worse than it has to be by proving it to ourselves over and over again. If we consciously decide to roll with the punches, it becomes a bit of a comedy we can laugh at and move on without the baggage. 

We are not victims unless we think we are. We are not stars unless we know we are. The difference there is that victim mentality is just that, a mentality, we're all guilty of it. Don't even get me started on guilt, what a downer! Feeling like a star is not attached to wealth or popularity, it's attached to Creativity, and I'm not talking about art, but an ability to take the gift of life and launch a conscious expression of who and what we can become in this world - maybe that means creating art, maybe that means inventing something, maybe that means helping others... it can mean anything. Keeping that silent space as the palette from which we paint our lives will keep us from being egotistical about it.

Creativity is the Why of existence... We're all creating our lives everyday whether we're aware of it or not. The sooner we understand that and start to consciously compose where, how, what and who we are, the better it is for everyone. Our physical reality is the manifestation of our minds, what and how we think shapes our world. You can help orchestrate it. It starts with simply contemplating, that's it; wondering about possibilities opens the doors of perception, where we realize the potential we've had all along.





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