Day 276 - It's not what you may think
-a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved.
I woke up today realizing a few things that seem obvious to me, but that I haven't actually put into words before about the 'transformation' I'm consciously trying to invoke.
Look around and notice all the "transformations" taking place - it's everywhere - advertisements, blogs, vlogs, shows, movies, books, articles, seminars... Many people are going through many changes, in a sort of Chrysalis of humanity. I believe there are myriad ways these changes are occurring, depending on where each of us are in our individual and collective journeys.
At its most visible are the physical transformations people focus on - the diets, workouts, weight loss, strength conditioning, appearance... Personally, physical transformation is low on my list; however, physical health and well-being are important for energy, so I do what I need to do. Becoming a beach babe or athlete is not for me, though the fact that it is prominent for a lot of us is a good sign - a tangible metaphor of possibility. Energy consciousness, learning intuitive intelligence and practicing it in daily life is the ongoing transformation happening with me, and many others too.
Transformation comes with a continual discovering of Truth and Reality as it is, not as belief, opinion or idea, but as something so profoundly undeniable that words are not enough to describe it - It's like a peeling off, layer after layer, all the contradictions and dualities until the paradox is silently understood. The more we do this, the better we see the holistic nature of life, existence, and our representation of it in everything we do.
This is also evident when we look at all the psychological terms and diseases that have gone from the purview of a few to the understanding of many - narcissism, psychopathy, etc... which we also currently see many movies, articles and discussions about. There is a growing awareness that our inner worlds need to be nurtured in order to escape the clutches of predators, those who are aware of their predatory nature, and those who are simply not aware but have no other way to navigate their lives. I suppose these predators come from abuse themselves or have not taken to self-discovery, in any case it's not my place to figure them out, it's their business to grow and change or not. My job is to avoid them as much as possible.
And so, I can now see people's hidden agendas, fake faces and the feigned emotions they use to manipulate others. The signs of predators (knowing or unknowing): histrionics, arrogance, hypocrisy, an unwillingness to listen, revenge, gossip, crocodile tears - you get the idea. I guess I needed to concentrate on my own blockages and false notions before being able to see these things in others. At the same time, I do not call people out unless they are trying to manipulate me or those around me. As I grow more confident in who I am, the more I am seen by those who don't know me as a manipulator myself - I'm clear though, because I've made an effort to be clear, and those pointing fingers are simply pointing to themselves in a mirror they don't recognize. This is why direct honesty, forthright emotions, and open expressions are important to me - there is no hiding when it's all out there for everyone to see. Consequently, openness is empowerment, but openness is also vulnerability, which means self-awareness and being cognizant of the intentions of those around you is essential - otherwise, transparency is just a big target on your back.
What does that have to do with transformation? When you can see all the ways in which people hinder themselves, all the ways in which you hinder yourself, you end up having a goal that includes growth, empathy and understanding, not only for your own curiosity, security, and stability, but to be an example for others who also long for inner peace with an ability to stand firm and move fearlessly all at the same time. This transformation is always in progress - it's a strange kind of purpose, but there it is, it's always been there, I just never had the words to express it before.
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