Day 8 - Bad Habits & Good Habits

There's a fine line between "Life's short, eat the cake" and "My arthritis is acting up because I had too much sugar"

I am adding new, good habits to my life, but honestly I still have some bad habits. At this point, I'm actually heavier than I was when I started working out! I weighed myself for the first time since starting a 'regular' workout 7 months ago, beginning slowly at 2x/week, and moving to 3x/week at the start of 2021. Luckily, my friend/personal trainer calmed me down as she explained that I'm building muscle, and losing weight was not the goal of why I started working out in the first place - I needed more strength, as I was finding routine tasks physically more difficult. And, I've got what I call the ol' lady toes, which are painful warnings that the bad habits have taken over and should be reined in.

Yay though! I do feel stronger and am definitely more flexible. My clothes feel less tight. But that nagging scale... who knows where it came from either, it's from the 70s or something, one of those non-digital things, probably a dump find by my partner. I blame the scale. It needs to go.

Here's the real dilemma: Each day I am given a choice - to do what's good for me or to do what's good for me. See? But those choices are very different. There's birthday cake, ice cream and wine available. There's also water and bananas. I can have a coffee, sure, but it doesn't taste good to me unless there's some honey and milk in it. Who cares? I do.

Make the right choice, Julie! Don't beat yourself up, Julie! There's a pandemic, relax!
It's now or never!

This would be much easier if I lived with people who didn't want junk food all the time. It's their fault. I buy the junk food because there's a pandemic and I feel sorry for them. They don't eat what I make either, unless it's cake.

So, Day 8. It seems I haven't pulled ahead - frankly, I don't even know what that means yet.


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