Day 24 - Evolution (yin) or Revolution (yang)
Women have developed a skill for slow, methodical, and unmistakable change over centuries - Lately, we've become impatient...
The impatience has created an inner and outer turmoil where women (yin energies) have decided, consciously or not, to use male traits (yang energy) to whip through the most important change in Her-story - A change that history will remember as pivotal in the evolution of humanity.
[I should mention here that I'm not speaking wholly about 'gender', this is about 'masculine' and 'feminine' energies, which can be attributed in a spectrum of qualities to everybody]
I have been a master at using yang energy to move through life, and have now come to the understanding that if I am to further grow, I must fully incorporate yin energy - I also believe that the growth of society, past all the anger and upset, must also fully incorporate yin energy if it is to continue at all.
In the past, any yin energy I had was used in a passive manner that became passive-aggressive if life was not going the way I wanted it to. The influential women in my life, namely my Grandmother, Mother and Aunts, were also masters of using yang energy to create the lives they wanted - but, there were definite issues when it came to relating with the men in their lives - men who may not have appreciated how and why certain life-changing decisions were made; men who didn't understand the extraordinary strength these women required in order to smash through glass ceilings.
My Grandmother had made sure, from a very young age, that I was aware of all the sneaky moves of boys and men who 'simply' wanted some action and reaction, and how to recognize and avoid these situations. I don't think she sat my brother and male cousins down to discuss how not to be jerks to women, though I know they learned a lot from her efforts to explain the trials of life.
In my early 20s, I ended up in an abusive relationship because I didn't recognize what was happening until it was too late - the abuser, 20 years my senior, was acutely aware to keep me in my place by constantly telling me to stop acting like a man (basically, stop challenging him). I walked away, with hardship, having the clear thought that confronting him further would lead to serious physical harm, and so I no longer challenged him. The calm and steadfast intensity used to detach myself was my first glimpse into the power of yin.
Yin energy has passive/receptive qualities that evoke nurturance and docile behaviour, which many women confuse with being doormats; and the only way out is to become like men in order to compete and be effective (outside of physical beauty) in a 'man's world'.
A balance of yin and yang energies will continue an evolution of women, and society as a whole, to create calm yet purposeful and progressive movements forward. A total respect towards female traits needs to be at the forefront of our growth -- An imbalance will create a continued revolution by people who've had enough of being doormats, enough of being told how to succeed with aggression and competition as the only way forward. Many men, and our society of cutthroat and psychopathic behaviours, will fight to hang on to the status quo because the power behind yin, no matter how 'behind the scenes' it seems, far outweighs the old inequitable 'in yer face' ways.
It really does seem like a bunch of cavemen have been running the show forever. I am happy to be alive as a woman in one of the most transformative times in history - and ecstatic to be at an age, becoming a fully integrated human being, to manifest and reveal just what that means.
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