Day 57 - Aging without Losing it!
"There IS a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will have truly defeated 'age'." ~~Sophia Loren
When we hit adulthood in our 20s, there is a sense of relief - you no longer have to do what your told, you no longer have to ask permissions, you are free to make decisions and mistakes on your own. Although, many of us ask advice from our parents, grandparents, and older generations, because we understand that with experience comes wisdom/knowledge/perspective...
When we hit what I now consider the 'real' adulthood in our 30s, there is a further sense of relief - you have now gained some insight into your own being and are fully functioning with the confidence of some lived experience. And we still seek advice, not just from older generations but from our peers.
When we hit maturity in our 40s, there is a certain sense of responsibility towards the lives we've created - you have secured a role in society (or outside of it), you have mastered many things and you look forward to developing further. Less advice is sought after, yet it is still available when you need it, and that now includes younger generations.
When we hit mid-life in our 50s, a growing sense of mortality sets in, but with this is also a sense of relief - you can rest a little more, have a little more space to pursue the things you did not have time for in the past. Advice, if wanted, comes from everyone you meet, because at this point everyone is a teacher. That awareness is gold!
That's all I can personally speak on - I am witnessing in older generations a real sense of relaxation and fun in later years, and they really don't give advice unless it's asked for. Others have fallen victim to 'boredom' and the pains of 'age', ironically losing vitality by focusing on how they were in their youth instead of where they are now.
All this is to say that the human experience, though as varied as there are humans, is like an ocean - it has ups and downs, ebbs and flows, highs and lows. When we age, the ocean of awareness expands, so all the stuff you've acquired in your toolbox to use towards building the life you want is available anytime.
No one is under any illusions about 'abolishing' the aging process (well, some are with the growth in techmanity, but that's a whole other topic!). Where we are now, at this stage in human existence, is the search for better lives, physically/emotionally/mentally. I look back to photos of my grandmothers when they were my age, and they seem like they're in their 70s by today's standards.
We can age without succumbing to any past notions of what that means. When people don't know any different, they just do what they've been told, through societal norms and expectations - There have always been breakthroughs, historically speaking, and there will continue to be breakthroughs even though we don't know what they might be, yet.
Super exciting.
The mind is finally coming into its own, there's no need to start doubting, because where doubting begins, so do breakdowns. Don't lose it, use it!
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