Day 86 - Who are you listening to?

“How many things have to happen to you before something occurs to you?” ~ Robert Frost

Are you listening to people who are not living how you want to live?

Are you listening to your own excuses?
Are you listening to people who are truly happy and successful?
What does success look like to you?
What does happiness look like to you?
Are you taking any steps towards that success and happiness? 
When do you start realizing that what you're doing is not working towards where you actually want to be?
Perhaps you have pockets of happiness and success that you are afraid to lose if you start doing other things. I'm here to tell you that there is no way you will lose the parts of your life that you love when you start working towards new aspirations. When I 'gave up' music, I didn't give it up; I gave up trying to be a touring musician, I gave up trying to learn the business of music because those things did not make me happy - I realized that it was the music itself making me happy and not the trappings of how to be 'seen' as a career artist. The years I spent taking all the steps I had learned from others to become a bonafide musician were things I didn't actually want to do. The point being, clarity in knowing WHAT it is you aspire to, and WHY, is key.
We are in unprecedented times where most of us are understanding that no one wants to work for anyone else but themselves. No one wants to work at jobs for long hours, away from their families and/or the things they'd rather be doing.
A lot of people say, "well, if it were that simple everyone would be doing it!"
but, everyone doesn't do it, in fact most people don't. Most people are stuck where they are because they listen to their own excuses and to people who are not actually living successfully.
There, I said it. 
How many life coaches are out there teaching but not actually living the way YOU want to live? Kudos to those teachers for being on paths where they themselves are finding out how to achieve their dreams - and trying to help others achieve theirs. But do not mistake the difference between fate and destiny.
Fate is what happens when you are not in control of your choices, Destiny is what happens when you are in the driver's seat.
Find people who are living the way you want to live and listen to them. You can ask for mentorship from people who are already doing the things you'd like to do, because truly successful people are happy to share it! 
Pay attention to who you're listening to.



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