Day 113 - OMG MLM!

The elephant in the room lately is the business structure behind a product I am now using and promoting - the dreaded Multi-Level Marketing business model. 

Here's my response.

Pursuing your dreams is dangerous! But so is not pursuing your dreams.

I have had various dreams over my lifetime so far, and achieved many of them. I am in a place completely fulfilled by family, friends, home comforts, life in a northern paradise, creativity... But dreams don't end when you achieve them, you just dream bigger.

I have partnered with an MLM company because of one product, a homeopathic bio-identical HGH transdermal Gel - it is the only one of its kind in the world (no competition). I was indeed skeptical at the beginning when trying it, especially because of the business structure, but I've been using it for 3 months and it has proven its worth to me. This is a product I will be using for as long as I live - I'm considering it a necessary addition to my well-being, like healthy food, vitamins and toothpaste.

Great. All good.

The problem some people have when I tell them about my newest pursuit, is that MLMs are pyramid schemes where people end up losing tons of money, have basements full of products, and lost friends over pressure to join. Sure, that's happened to folks with shady companies, mediocre merchandise and who won't say 'okay' when someone says 'no'.

I'm not into scams. I'm not into making money off people, only sharing an opportunity to make money with people, and only if they actually love what they are selling. I'm into personal growth and helping others with theirs. You wanna talk about the real shady companies who only make money for the few at the top? Let's talk about every single major corporation on the planet. 

The good MLMs with great products create ways for satisfied customers to build their own enterprise. I don't see Amazon or Proctor & Gamble sharing the wealth with consumers or bringing employees into the fold. I don't see the CEOs of major corporations excitedly sharing their product line and teaching others how to do what they do.

And here's another timely point -- Network Marketing is the future of business. Are you noticing all the closed doors and empty buildings? Do you know how many business owners have an exit strategy because 80% of new businesses fail in the first 5 years? How much are start-up costs to open a new business? What about monthly rent and marketing costs? MLMs have low start-ups! 

You Can Launch A Business, Grow It As Big As You Want, On A Shoestring Budget In Any Economy With Low Risk

MLM is a smart move in 2021, with the global Covid-19 recession and the pandemic creating limited loans and reducing income potential for most industries. Retailers and restaurants are rotting, but network marketing and e-commerce are red hot right now. While some traditional business models are trying to reopen or "build back better", MLM businesses are growing stronger and faster. As the vaccine rollout continues with a lot of the workforce returning to their office in a disorganized fashion, the best MLM companies are getting even more organized and profitable.

"Starting a traditional business or franchise takes weeks or months of paperwork and building, sometimes even years. But by joining a top MLM company, you can start learning from your upline and growing your downline from Day 1, in the comfort of your own home or on the open road.

The bigger your MLM downline, the more passive residual income you will earn every month. Any entrepreneur, investor, or business owner can tell you that passive income is one of the best things to have while pursuing your other business goals that require more time." ~MyFrugalBusiness

Last point - most people who fail at MLMs are people who shouldn't own or manage a business anyway. Modern business is now in the hands of everyday people who no longer want to pursue jobs or open franchises within huge corporations that don't even have their best interest at heart. 


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