389 - I don't really know, and neither do you


Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next  ~Gilda Radner

When someone makes a statement about something, it doesn't mean it is at the exclusion of other things. It's a point. One point in the myriad of points that make up our collective knowledge base.

When people debate a subject, it's one subject. That subject may become moot or blended in to another subject for further debate.

When I say something it is because it is meaningful to me at the time - yet time marches on, I may change my mind or not, but that statement becomes a thing of the past. If a past statement has any relevance to now, it may be used again, perhaps using different words to clarify or update, but again, time marches on, and it may become irrelevant.

When people ask questions, the answers come in different forms depending on who is answering. We understand that 2+2=4, no need to discuss the ramifications of that not being true unless we're talking about scales. The problems about disagreement come when one answer to a question is different than another - but does this mean that only one answer can be the correct one? Not necessarily.

Though, people like to think that their answer is the right one, it is only right in the sense of that person's whole makeup and history, education and experience. And while I may disagree wholeheartedly with someone else's answer, I have to be careful in not discounting it.

So, while I may say 'no' to someone's 'yes' - it comes from my own perception, as their answer comes from theirs. This is how I try to keep emotion out of the equation. When I get emotional about a disagreement it is a sign that I'm no longer objective and it's time to move along.

As I get older, watching my father deteriorate and my children grow up, so many things become more relevant or simply irrelevant - and that is where my perception is these days. It colours my world in different shades than other people's worlds, no better or worse, just different. What I used to consider important is no longer important and vice versa.

The world I would like my children to live in forces a need in me to help create that world. The environment I would like to have surrounding the death of loved ones and myself also forces a need to help create that space. It is the same for everyone in their own visions of the worlds they would like to see created for themselves and their loved ones.

Knowing this, the anger or resentment towards those who think differently subsides, because we're all just here making the best with what we have without really knowing what will happen next.


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